Foam Insulation Training Classes | By the Best | For the Best
We have been in your shoes
At the core of our genesis, Applegate was an insulation contractor.
We jumped into that role trying to guarantee energy bills for electric resistance heat in the early 50s - as long as the homeowner had "adequate" insulation.
Surprisingly, we didn't truly know what "adequate insulation" actually was, but as we began paying out on some of those guarantees, we discovered the superior insulating properties of cellulose insulation.
That was just the beginning of our story.
We know that as an insulation contractor, you have a choice about what insulation products you will offer to your customers.
You can sell batts alongside virtually every other insulation contractor in your area. Or you can offer an upgraded insulation package of Foam Insulation.
Applegate training - comes standard with all "turn-key" equipment packages.
This is what is great about Applegate, a world-class provider of insulation, equipment and supplies, takes the time to get to know you, will remember you, and will provide unsurpassed customer service to you for as long as you need us to.
We also know there's a lot more to being successful in the insulation business than the product you install.
If an insulation contractor thinks all they sell is insulation, they're in for a big shock.
Applegate works with insulation contactors nationwide to deliver what so many homeowners and builders are looking for.
Regardless of whose insulation being used, if not installed properly, the customer will not get the full benefit that they have paid for. After receiving Applegate Training you will now know HOW to Install and your R Foam Customer will receive the FULL Value of our Product. More than business as usual We understand that our success is dependant upon your success as an insulation professional. Perhaps that's why we're regarded industry-wide as the most pro-installer company in service and support.
Applegate works with you to:
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sending Craig and Byron to Baton Rouge to train with my crew and I.
It was the most informative/hands on training I have ever been a part of. I'm not sure if the guys told you we ran into a lot of "obstacles" but, we overcame all of them. It wasn't easy but your guys hung with me until they knew I was comfortable with everything they taught me. They went way above and beyond to make our day successful.
Your team is what sets Applegate apart from the rest of the insulation world.
Thanks again.
Keeping it Green, Stephen Ethridge
more testimonials

We know that as an insulation contractor, you have a choice about what insulation products you will offer to your customers.

Applegate Training is Available

This is what is great about Applegate, a world-class provider of insulation, equipment and supplies, takes the time to get to know you, will remember you, and will provide unsurpassed customer service to you for as long as you need us to.
Regardless of whose insulation being used, if not installed properly, the customer will not get the full benefit that they have paid for. After receiving Applegate Training you will now know HOW to Install and your R Foam Customer will receive the FULL Value of our Product. More than business as usual We understand that our success is dependant upon your success as an insulation professional. Perhaps that's why we're regarded industry-wide as the most pro-installer company in service and support.
Applegate works with you to:
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sending Craig and Byron to Baton Rouge to train with my crew and I.
It was the most informative/hands on training I have ever been a part of. I'm not sure if the guys told you we ran into a lot of "obstacles" but, we overcame all of them. It wasn't easy but your guys hung with me until they knew I was comfortable with everything they taught me. They went way above and beyond to make our day successful.
Your team is what sets Applegate apart from the rest of the insulation world.
Thanks again.
Keeping it Green, Stephen Ethridge
more testimonials
- Provide the most effective insulation material.
- We supply the highest-quality insulation alleviating
down time with equipment. - Equip your crew to install.
- Train your salespeople.
- Fine-tune your equipment.
- Enhance or develop your marketing plans.
- Keep you technically current.
- Lowering the cost of your product and/or labor.
- Training you to get a fair, usually higher, selling price.
- Increasing your total sales volume.
- Supplying you with an insulation material that is second to none.
- Furnishing up-to-date technical information, onsite training and educational seminars.
- Providing some of the most effective sales literature in the industry
- Getting you good leads by giving you a state-of-the-art Marketing Website for free.
You have questions? We have answers
Call us anytime at 855-949-2775 or use our confidential Contact Form and we will reply quickly with the information you need.
Applegate R Foam | America's High-Technology Superinsulation Manufacturer | © 1978-
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Other Applegate Products | Applegate Cellulose Insulation | Applegate Cotton Insulation | Applegate Mulch
"For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." Hebrews 3:4